Tuesday, October 14, 2008


So I made it to Bangkok after a 24+ hour trip. The flight was awfully long, but luckily Tammy suggested I request bulkhead seats, which I got for the first flight. I had lots of leg room and was able to get up and walk around quite frequently. I was next to a very nice older Thai lady on the flight from JFK to Tokyo who shared stories about Thailand and the US and also shared her snacks. 14 hours is a long time to sit around. I did get to catch up on some movies that I've been wanting to see: Sex and the City, Indiana Jones 4, and Leatherheads...even watching 3 movies only took up half the time at most.
I arrived at aroun 11:30 pm (Thai time) last night and went back to Margo's parents hotel, showered, and went out for my first meal in Thailand, which consisted of lots of noodles, vegetables, and tofu...my kind of food! So cheap too. I had a Vietnamese dish for lunch today which cost about $3 USD. Apparently that's expensive by Thai standards. In Lampang I could get the same for about $1 USD. My money will definitely go far here if I can eat a full meal for $1. After traveling for 24 hours and my first meal, we went out for a few beers but had some trouble finding a place that was open. A taxi driver wouldn't take us where we originally wanted to go because the protestors were out, so Margo's roommate's friends picked us up and we drove around to find another place open, had a beer or two and played some pool. The music choice at the place we went to was quite interesting. They love Eric Clapton...but the most interesting song choice was "Puff the Magic Dragon."
Its quite easy to avoid the protestors, you just need to avoid certain areas. Since I'm with people who know Thai and where to go I'll be completely fine (so don't worry Mom & Dad!) Also, its very nice touring around Bangkok with my very own personal translator (Margo that is.)
I've only had a few hours around Bangkok, but it reminds me of NYC a little bit- only hotter, stickier, with lots of pink taxis, cars that drive on the opposite side of the street, and more street food and vendors. Picture China town x100.
I think tomorrow Margo & I will be off to the south (not quite sure where exactly yet) until I have my training here in Bangkok on the 22 to the 26th.
Love and miss everyone at home!


Paul Treadwell said...

hooray!!! good for you becca. so lucky to have margo and a personal guide (and a best friend), cool.... love, paula

Sammy said...

I miss you already!
What are people protesting about? Write a little about "la situacion politica." haha- remember oaxaca?

Unknown said...

glad to hear you made it -- now the fun begins! : )